How to discover the sense of life .

Cookielover _gachaqueen
1 min readApr 2, 2021

Some people believe that life itself contains a source , some might called it “Creation” and some might called it “Incarnation”.

So simple that must be , that will never stop us to pusue the quest of the sense , the meaning , the equation of life .

for my concern I encourage my readers to dig deeper in their hearts , to look into their spirit to find the true meaning of the sense of their existence.

As I could say faith is the key ,the question is : Who do you trust?

And What are you beleiving ?

to all my readers I believe with no judgement that the sense of your life is : The indescriptible Love ,Fears and Joy .

For the Lord or Master (for not saying the God ) of your heart or your understanding ,the one that you call upon you are falling apart.

To all My Readers a afiliate link to help you through Meditations and me Generate funds .

